拓 扑 量 子 材 料 设 计 实 验 室

Topological, Valleytronic, and Optical Properties of Monolayer PbS

Sep.7 2017

A PbS monolayer is demonstrated to be a novel platform for topological, valleytronic, and optical phenomena. Compressive strain can turn the trivial monolayer into a topological insulator. Optical pumping can facilitate charge, spin, and valley Hall effects tunable by external strain and light ellipticity. Similar results apply to other IV–VI semiconductors.

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Figure 1
Strain-induced topological phases in the PbS (001) monolayer.
a) The band gaps (Eg) and the phase diagrams as functions of the biaxial strain (ε), calculated by HSE+SOC and PBE+SOC methods.
b) The band gaps at X and Y points (mX, Y), the fundamental gap (mF) across the entire 2D BZ, and the phase diagram as functions of the uniaxial strain (εy), calculated by the HSE+SOC method.

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Figure 2
The optical spin-valley polarizations and the anomalous Hall effects for the excited electrons in optoelectronic transport.

北京理工大学物理学院 | 拓扑量子材料设计实验室